Monday, May 19, 2008

Noam Chomsky

He proves the power of knowledge. President of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, in latest UN general council meeting, recommended Chomsky's book: "Hegemony or Survival; America's Quest for Global Dominance" in order to understand US hegemony in present international relation.

According to Wikipedia, this book "examines the doctrinal thinking of the Establishment in the United Kingdom and the US, such as in regard to propaganda use, centralised decision making and imperialism of Western powers from recent American invasions to the European empires".

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Michel Foucault

Michel Foucault, in Frech literature, is known as prominent thinker of the ralation between knowledge and power. He wrote book entitled: arceologie du savoir. I quote Wikipidea: " Foucault's work on power, and the relationships among power, knowledge, and discourse, has been widely discussed and applied.".